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How to Check if You’re Covered for Emergency Medical Transportation

It’s never a bad idea to take a closer look at your health insurance plan.

Published on Mar 9, 2021

Article by MASA

It’s never a bad idea to take a closer look at your health insurance plan. Whether you are just doing your due diligence, renewing your Medicare, or signing up for insurance through healthcare.gov, here are a few helpful tips:

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Enrollment Dates

Remember to check this year’s enrollment dates for health insurance. Most years, enrollment opens in November and ends during the middle of December. So, don’t get caught procrastinating! Be sure to select a plan that works best for you before it’s too late. Of course, enrollment dates can vary depending on your employer. Either way, take this opportunity to reflect on how your health and wellbeing have changed within this past year. From there, decide on which healthcare plan will be most beneficial going forward.

Gaps in Your Health Insurance

Nowadays, health insurance will only get you so far. Within the last 10 years, many dangerous gaps have opened up in American health plans.1 One of the biggest gaps leaves you exposed to excessive emergency transport bills. Depending on which emergency medical transportation provider picks you up, where you get picked up, and why you get picked up, you have a 50% chance of being left with a majority of the bill.2 Of course, nobody can predict when they will need a ground ambulance or helicopter medical transport. But, accidents can happen, and you’re not going to be happy when you are stuck with a big bill. This risk can only be addressed by supplemental coverage.

Protect Yourself With MASA MTS

When making selections for the upcoming year, you may want to consider additional emergency coverage. MASA MTS plans are easy, effective, and extremely affordable. For less than a dollar a day, you can protect yourself and your family from excessive medical transport bills. In the event you need ground medical transportation or an air ambulance, we will take your bills. Plus, our other benefits will ensure that you are never alone in your time of need. MASA MTS will pay to have a friend or family member transported to your bedside. We will also pay to have a friend or family member accompany you in a helicopter ambulance. If any children are with you at the time of your accident, we will pay to have them transported back home. Our Pet and Vehicle Return benefits also ensure that animals, cars, and RVs aren’t left stranded when you get picked up by emergency medical services. Most importantly, MASA MTS gives you peace of mind.

Are You Exposed?

Reinforce your monthly health insurance with MASA MTS today! Drop us a message at https://masaaccess.com/contact-us/ and one of our dedicated representatives will contact you. We will show you where MASA MTS can help cover dangerous gaps in your coverage and walk you through our plan options. Adding more coverage may seem like an inconvenience now, but in the event you need ground or helicopter medical transport, a MASA MTS plan could save you tens of thousands of dollars.

1 https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2019/feb/health-insurance-coverage-eight-years-after-aca

2 https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/22/upshot/ambulance-surprise-medical-bills-law.html