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The Grandparent’s Guide to Emergencies

As a grandparent, it's your responsibility to spoil the grandkids. Whether that's bringing them on vacation, buying their favorite sweets or taking them to the park, it's basically an unspoken duty.

Published on Aug 4, 2020

Article by MASA

As a grandparent, it’s your responsibility to spoil the grandkids. Whether that’s bringing them on vacation, buying their favorite sweets, or taking them to the park, it’s basically an unspoken duty to spoil your grandkids. Of course, when the grandkids are placed in your care, the underlying truth is that you are solely responsible for their well-being. You know that and we know that; so, it’s really not a surprise to anyone. The only surprise comes when you face an unexpected emergency.

Probability of Needing Emergency Services

Discussing worst-case scenarios is never enjoyable, but it’s always important to consider. The following statistics give you an idea of how often emergency services are needed, specifically for people age 65 or older:

  • 240 million emergency calls are made in the United States every year. (National Emergency Number Association)
  • This year, over 30 million Americans will require emergency transportation. (MASA MTS)
  • The number of Emergency Department visits increases with age. (BMC Emergency Medicine)
  • One in four Americans age 65 or older falls each year. (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • Every 11 seconds, an older adult is treated in the emergency room for a fall. (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • Every 19 minutes, an older adult dies from a fall. (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • Older patients have a higher rate of hospitalizations, require more resources, and are at an increased risk of adverse outcome. (National Centre for Health Statistics)

As you can see, the probability of needing emergency services is significantly increased for people over a certain age. As such, it’s important to come to terms with the risk of an accident or illness while grandchildren are in your care.

What Will Happen to Your Grandchildren?

If you experience an emergency while minors are under your supervision, EMS and other authorities would undoubtedly take care of them. However, the amount of time someone supervises your grandchildren will depend on how far you are from home and the seriousness of your condition. If the emergency happens close to home, the parents of your grandchildren will most likely rush to the rescue. If you are out on vacation or traveling, the minor will be stranded for long periods without you or their parents.

Grandchild and Minor Return

MASA memberships provide many useful benefits when unexpected emergencies strike. One of the biggest benefits, especially for grandparents, is minor return. In the event of an emergency, MASA MTS will pay for a one-way air transportation back to the commercial airport nearest to the child’s home. This is an extremely useful perk in regard to the care of your grandchildren and the cost of care in your absence. MASA provides a safety net in the worst of scenarios.

Our Safety Net of Benefits

No matter how you cut it, it’s better to be safe than sorry. For $30 a month or less, you can protect yourself and your family members from huge financial strain. One of our favorite slogans is “MASA Peace of Mind.” Why? Because MASA members know that no matter what happens, they are protected, physically and financially.

If you need air emergency transport to the hospital, it’s covered. If you need your vehicle returned to your place of residence, it’s covered. If you need an organ transported to you, it’s covered. If you feel like you’re having a heart attack and take an ambulance to the hospital, it’s covered. If you need to be flown back home to recover around friends and family, we cover that too. Any medical transport need you can think of, we will cover you.

This membership provides important coverage for anyone over the age of 50. It’s crucial because many of the benefits aren’t covered by your health insurance, but also because it protects the financial security you’ve built over the length of your life. Currently, modern health insurance leaves you exposed to outrageous medical transportation costs. With just one ambulance ride or flight to the hospital, you could find yourself in serious medical debt. MASA fills the gaps left by Medicare and health insurance, making sure you are financially protected in all situations regarding emergency transport. Plus, anyone over the age of 50 is eligible for our Charter Lifetime Membership. This incredible service covers you indefinitely and is an excellent addition to both Medicare and health insurance coverage. No monthly membership, no copays, no deductibles – just solid uninterrupted service.

So, next time you’re planning on bringing the grandkids out on vacation, take a minute to think about what could happen in the worst-case scenario. Don’t put the people you love or your finances at risk. Get comprehensive emergency transportation coverage with MASA MTS. It’s easy, it’s affordable, and it works. You’ve made it too far in life to let sneaky billing practices ruin your financial stability. Modern health insurance won’t protect you the way most assume it will. Give us a call, shoot us an email, or make an appointment for a one-on-one consultation. We would be happy to examine your current coverage and let you know where you’re exposed. After all, we’re here to protect you… Any ground. Any Air. Anywhere.