Employer Questions
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Due to the nature of modern health insurance, there’s an almost 80% chance that you could be responsible for a large portion of your ground emergency transportation bill. Even if health insurance covers part of your bill, there are many scenarios where they may not cover the total cost. The ambulance that picks you up may be out-of-network, the reason for your trip may not be deemed a medical necessity or you might still have to meet your health insurance deductible.

Consumer Reports, Your Ambulance Ride Could Still Leave You With a Surprise Medical Bill

There are over 27,000 ambulance companies operating in the United States. Some companies are run by cities and states, others are run by local or national companies. Many insurance plans only cover in-network ambulance companies. Even if you’re heading to an in-network hospital, the ambulance itself could be out-of-network and leave you with a “balance bill”. MASA MTS offers coverage for ALL ambulance companies operating within the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and while traveling in Canada.

IBIS World, Ambulance Services Industry in the US – Market Research Report

Medical necessity is established when any other transportation method (besides an ambulance) would endanger the patient’s life. For example, let’s say you’re experiencing symptoms associated with a heart attack and end up taking an ambulance to the hospital. If your health insurance decides that the cause of your symptoms (perhaps indigestion, heartburn, or a panic attack) doesn’t meet their requirements for an ambulance, they could deny your claim and potentially leave you on the hook for thousands of dollars.

MASA MTS works hand-in-hand with the benefits health plan administrators and transport companies to ensure you and your family have no out-of-pocket costs no matter which provider completes the ambulance transport within the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and while traveling in Canada. Additionally, our coverage applies regardless of network. In the event of an emergency, simply call 911 and get to the hospital. When you receive the bill from the ambulance company, just submit it to us.

  • No health questions
  • No age limits
  • No claim forms (bills must be submitted within 180 days)
  • No deductibles
  • No network limitations

The average cost of a ground ambulance is $1,500. Depending on which provider picks you up, the personnel on board and the amount of miles you travel, your bill can get expensive.

HealthCareInsider, Why Ambulances Are So Expensive

Yes! Our goal is to leave you with complete peace of mind. We will cover all copays, even if you haven’t met your deductible.

You should call MASA MTS after you receive a bill from any emergency medical transportation ambulance provider.

With our family Plans, MASA MTS covers you, your partner and all children under the age of 26 in your household.

Employer Questions

One of the great things about MASA MTS is that you never need to wait for an enrollment period. MASA MTS can be offered at open enrollment, during new hire onboarding and during off-cycle enrollment events. Employers can offer MASA MTS anytime throughout the year!

MASA MTS enrollment is fast and easy. We recommend talking with a MASA MTS representative to find the right coverage for you and your business before selecting your plan.

MASA MTS offers a variety of options for companies and individuals to purchase coverage. You can provide coverage by taking on the full cost, you can participate in cost sharing, use payroll deductions, or bundle MASA MTS into your benefits package.

Filing a claim with MASA MTS is easy. Simply send the ambulance bill to MASA MTS with your member number clearly written on the front. You can either email your bill to, fax it to 817-681-2399, or mail the invoice to: MASA MTS – Claims Department, 301 International Parkway, Suite 300, Sunrise, FL 33323. You can also log in and upload your bill or check the status of an existing claim in the “Members” section of our MASA MTS Web site.

MASA MTS is a flexible and easy addition to any benefits package. You can offer MASA MTS separately or add it to your general health insurance. Our coverage can be beneficial for everyone to have, which is why we price it so affordably.

Your Health Benefits Broker and MASA MTS Representatives specialize in reviewing coverage and identifying gaps. Set up a consultation with your Broker to determine where you and your employees are most exposed. Our representatives will work with your Broker to identify different coverage options as well as answer any questions you may have.

Comprehensive emergency transportation coverage is the best way to protect employees from out-of-pocket ground and air ambulance expenses. Many modern health insurance plans feature gaps in coverage. One of the biggest and most surprising gaps deals with emergency transportation.

Yes we do! All coverage options are available at affordable rates for self-insured employers.

Absolutely. If you would like to send more information to your insurance broker, please share this link with them.

Yes. Payroll deduction is one three different ways you can set up payment for MASA MTS coverage.

Insurance offered by local ambulance providers may only help your employees in the event they are picked up by that local provider. MASA MTS offers coverage for ALL ambulance companies operating within the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and while traveling in Canada. With over 27,000 ambulance companies operating in the United States, the chances of you getting picked up by only one provider are very slim.

IBIS World, Ambulance Services Industry in the US – Market Research Report

Discover how modern health insurance
may be leaving your employees vulnerable